June 2020: Margaret Dahlberg has reworked the show to suit the current Covid-19 climate:
- one woman (Margaret Dahlberg)
- available for backyard performances for socially distanced audiences
- “Book Club” version includes questions for panel discussion following the 55 minute show
- May be performed online via Facebook or Zoom
- plexiglass screen between the singer and the audience adheres to current Alberta guidelines for outdoor gatherings: https://www.alberta.ca/restrictions-on-gatherings.aspx
- small space required for set: 2 metres by 2 metres
- $10 per person for performance OR $20 per person for performance with “Book Club” panel discussion
- Audience may wear masks to ensure minimum exposure.
Love: An Algo-rhythmic Study was sad to cancel their Pumphouse Theatre One Act Playfest in March 2020. As it has become clear that regular performances will not be possible this summer, Margaret is offering performances as a one woman show.
Fans of “Love:” may open up their backyard to friends and neighbours, distanced in social bubbles 2 metres apart, to host a concert! Their attendees may even bring their own blankets or chairs to enjoy the 55 minute show in comfort.
Fans with a Book Club may change up the pace and offer this hysterically evocative performance. The themes around the human condition and the search for happiness bring much to discuss following the show. It’s a great platform to talk about the issues that every human seems to grapple with around love and independence.
For more information, contact The Maggie directly: https://margaretdahlberg.com/contact-me/